Thursday, March 17, 2005

Tommy Gives 170%

So Tommy Thompson, still treated by the media like the King of Wisconsin, finally decides to cash in and make some megabucks. He takes not one, but three jobs, two in Washington and one in Wisconsin. The Washington jobs will take about 70% of his time combined, he says. And his Wisconsin employer says he will be working full-time at that job (but later backs off and says he'll be in the state maybe 6 days a month.)

Athletes, it is said, give 110%. Tommy Thompson gives 170%. And he is still sorting through dozens of lucrative invitations for high-paying seats on various corporate boards. He's certainly raking in the cash. His admirers say it's well-deserved after his years of public service. But does the average person think the salaries he pulled down as governor or a cabinet secretary were a hardship? His income had been in six figures, plus plenty of perks, for many years -- as long as the minimum wage has been at $5.15. And he seemed to like those jobs pretty well, especially the governor gig.

OK, granted, he's a workaholic. But isn't there a little bit of hog-at-the-trough behavior going on here? Isn't there a time to say, "Enough?"

If Tommy won't say it, why won't someone else?


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