Friday, April 22, 2005

Mark Green: Environmental phony

On the eve of Earth Day, Congressman and gov hopeful Mark Green issued a news release praising the energy bill passed by the House of Representatives.

He had this to say: “Although I am generally pleased by the passage of the energy bill, it nevertheless contains some disappointing provisions, and I will be working expeditiously in the weeks to come to improve the bill even further. In particular, I plan to push for the inclusion of a ban on oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes represent a critical and treasured part of our environment, our economy and our identity. The risks drilling poses to the lakes are unacceptable."

Too bad Green doesn't have the same concerns about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. There was a straight up-and-down vote on an amendment to take out the language that allows the Arctic drilling to proceed.

The Arctic drilling language stayed in by a 231-200 margin. Roll call. Six Wisconsin House members, including Repubs Tom Petri and Jim Sensenbrenner, voted against the drilling. Mark Green and Paul Ryan voted to allow it.

Wash Post story on the bill.


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