Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The secret budget

From WisPolitics budget blog:

Budget deliberations hit a severe snag [Tuesday] afternoon as several items, mainly dealing with court issues, were set aside and the JFC wrestled behind closed doors for two hours with how to handle a list of DNR funding votes. . .

. . .The co-chairs, staff and other legislative leadership scuttled in and out of a closed door meeting, always being careful not to reach a quorum, as they tried to hammer out a motion.

So if there are 16 members of Joint Finance and 12 are Republicans, eight of the Repubs can meet without being a quorum, then shuffle a few people in and out so there is a different set of eight. Without ever having a quorum, they could easily reach a consensus and put together a majority vote. Does that sound like an open meeting or like open government?

When will someone -- the newspapers, the Democrats, the public -- speak up?


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