Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Walker-Bucher ticket

Interesting name on the invitation to a Scott Walker for governor fundraiser. None other than Paul Bucher, Waukesha County district attorney and a candidate for state attorney general in 06.

Walker has a tough primary with Congressman Mark Green and perhaps others. Bucher has a tough primary of his own, with former US Attorney J.B. Van Hollen, and maybe more.

So why would Bucher endorse Walker? Has Walker endorsed Bucher? Are the two of them running as a Republican team from southeastern Wisconsin -- not the best place to be from if you're running for statewide office?

Or maybe Bucher's not endorsing Walker. (Bill Proxmire insisted he never endorsed a candidate in his life -- he just told people who he was going to vote for.) Maybe Bucher will sponsor the next event for Green.

I don't claim to know enough about insider GOP politics to stick in your eye, but on its face it seems like risky business.


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