Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Green misleads on embryos

Green Bay Republican Mark Green said in a statement that it was important to "support research that adheres to ethical standards that have overwhelming support - standards that do not result in the destruction of human life. -- Journal Sentinel.

The facts on surplus embryos: President Bush surrounded himself with adorable toddlers born from test-tube embryos yesterday in a blatant attempt to manipulate public emotion against stem cell research. Here are the facts about the tens of thousands of surplus embryos:

Couples having trouble getting pregnant who undergo in vitro fertilization usually get from eight to 10 fertilized eggs. Once the couple becomes pregnant, the leftover fertilized eggs – the embryos – are either left in storage indefinitely or destroyed as medical waste. A few of these scientifically generated embryos have been donated to other couples trying to conceive, so far resulting in 80 other births.

The estimated 400,000 other surplus embryos will otherwise be incinerated. These are the cells the House voted to allow to be used for stem cell research.


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