Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Radio spot aims to inflame prejudices

The Coalition for America's Families, the hard-edged wingnuts who aired a television spot last week about Governor Doyle's budget proposal to allow undocumented immigrants to pay in-state university tuition, expose their hateful agenda further in a new radio spot this week.

The TV spot was merely racist. The radio spot is a twofer -- racist and anti-gay, it plays to people's worst instincts, intolerance, and prejudices.

Doyle, the sarcastic female announcer says, wants to raise taxes and fees to give "free health insurance to the partners of GAY state employees and offer reduced college tuition to illegal aliens." The emphasis on "GAY" is hers, not mine. Hear it.

Now if they can just figure out a way to get guns and abortion into the next spot, they'll have pushed all the buttons.

Just the kind of dialogue we were missing in Wisconsin. As if SpongeJohn GardPants isn't bad enough.

Their website is called sickoftaxes.com. But they are just plain sick.

* * * * *

TV SPOT UPDATE: The group's TV spot gets some well-deserved criticism in a JS editorial. It says, in part: "The ad's real target is Gov. Jim Doyle. Our problem with it is how it unfairly channels the very real and heated passions against illegal immigration his way."


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