Sunday, June 26, 2005

Falk Talk: Watching the little things

Dane County Exec Kathleen Falk celebrates her 54th birthday today -- how else but with a fundraiser?

The e-mail invitation is noteworthy in that it takes an extra precaution against getting into legal trouble with elections officials.

Anyone who's ever been in a campaign that caught heat for inadvertently mailing, phoning or e-mailing a government office will understand and appreciate this disclaimer:

Please Note: This list has been designed not to include government e-mail addresses. If you receive this at a government office we apologize. Please inform us right away so we can remove that address and, if you wish, please provide a nongovernmental e-mail address to which we can send FalkTalk. Thanks again.

For years, candidates mailing invitations to lobbyists during the period when lobbyists can't legally donate have included a note to say something like, "We thought some of your clients might be interested in this; if so, please share this information with them."

The difference, of course, is that candidates are mailing the lobbyist list on purpose.


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