Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mark Green wants 'victory' in Iraq

It sounded at first, from the headline below, like maybe Rep. Mark Green was declaring victory in Iraq. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Sen. George Aiken of Vermont offered that suggestion about Vietnam when the US was stuck in a quagmire -- "Declare victory and get out."

But, actually, Green is declaring, it appears, that he is part of a "Victory in Iraq" caucus in the Congress. What will constitute a victory? Does he think we will "win" before the 2006 election for governor?

Or is he just standing by his man, President Bush? (Might not want to stand too close. A Capitol Opinion poll done a week ago found Bush with a 44-52 favorable-unfavorable split. But the negatives include 41% who said their opinion of W was "strongly unfavorable." Let's hope for more Green photo ops with the Pres.

This from the June 28 Green Sheet, his e-mail campaign newsletter

DC Update: Victory in Iraq

Hopefully, you are planning to tune in tonight (or already have) to listen to President Bush discuss the situation in Iraq. It is once again in vogue with liberals and their friends in the media to attack our efforts to make our nation and world a safer place though a democratic Iraq.

As we've reported in the past, Mark was in Iraq about a month ago and saw for himself both the progress being made and the challenges that remain there. Most importantly, Mark reported back that too many of our brave men and women in uniform are frustrated that their successes are largely ignored by the press while every setback is given ample attention.

Now, some in Congress have gone so far as to set up an "Out of Iraq Caucus" with the sole intent of forcing the President to pull our troops out of Iraq without regard for the consequences. Mark's counter to this misguided effort? He and Rep. Joe Wilson have formed the "Victory in Iraq" Caucus to give he and his colleagues another avenue to show support for our troops and the good work they are doing in Iraq.


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