Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So, Sheriff Clarke, just what are you today?

What a remarkable treatise by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, entitled, "How One Becomes A Republican."

Clarke, who pretended to be a Democrat to get elected sheriff, has never come out as a Republican. As I read this, he still isn't willing to say it. (It's not "How I Became a Republican," you'll note.)

He tells us how Condoleeza Rice switched parties (She didn't like Carter's war in Afghanistan. Does she still think Bush gives better war?)

Rice's father became a Republican, he claims, because Democrats were trying to prevent him from voting. (If he's still alive, it it time to switch, since the GOP is trying to suppress black votes today.)

And then we get this drivel:

"I see some parallels with my own introduction into politics. President George W. Bush inspired me. Although I never had connections to any political party, I have been shaped by the conservative values that my mother and father instilled in me. Virtues like character, integrity, loyalty, faith, courage, patriotism, responsibility and commitment. Virtues are defined as a “beneficial quality.” My parents reminded me that virtues are fixed and unchanging.

I naively believed that the Democratic Party welcomed minorities. I was terribly mistaken. I didn’t fit their stereotype. I don’t blame black underachievement on racism; I favor self-reliance over government social service programs. They want all blacks to think alike. They want blind allegiance, even for things I don’t believe in. Sorry. I was raised to think for myself. I show blind obedience only to God.

What I’ve learned from Republicans is that joining the Party is only symbolic. Being conservative really means having a core set of beliefs and sticking by them, even in a sea of critics. Sort of like what President Reagan and Rev. Rice stood for. Come to think of it, that’s what my parents meant when they told me that virtues are fixed and unchanging.

And he concludes, believe it or not, with Lincoln freed the slaves. Read it yourself

So, this raises some interesting questions, some of which I raised in my earlier post, "David Clarke is no Zell Miller, and it's not because he's black."

Such as, if Clarke was inspired by George W. Bush, why didn't he have the courage to say that when he was on the ballot, masquerading as a Democrat? For a guy who preaches about personal responsibility and moral courage, he sure seems a little weak in the intestinal fortitude department -- not to mention honesty.

And how would he have any idea how welcoming the Democratic Party might have been, since he never took the first step in that direction to find out, despite the urging of many in his campaign?

David Clarke is a fraud who got elected under false colors and still isn't able to say directly, when writing in praise of Republicans, that he is a Republican himself.


At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your daily use of sexual innuendo creeps me out.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, but isn't Bush's war really a rite of passage to prove his manhood? i think the sexual allusion is right on.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger krshorewood said...

Clarke's piece is so hillarious it almost looks like it was written by The Onion.

Seems like somewhere between Abe Lincoln and today, he slpet through John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Paul Wellstone to name just a few, along with race baiters Trent Lott, William Rhenquist and pretty much most of the GOP. That quote about Bush's character was a gut buster.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's David Clarke's problem. He wants to claim racism because the Dem Party won't accept him. But the reason Dems don't accept him as one of their own is because of his own conservative positions on issues, which contrast with a progressive Dem platform. So what's actually racist is Clarke's notion that the Dem Party should ignore their own values and accept his into their party just because he's black. David Clarke is the biggest claimer of black victim-hood in Milwaukee politics these days, and it's shameful. I think David Clarke should have the courage to stand up and say he's a Republican. Every day he doesn't just proves that he's a gutless, indecisive leader.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Mr. Christofferson, my response may be too long for the comments section, they are often limited, so I posted my response at BadgerBlogger.com

To krshorewood: Speaking of sleeping through history, who was it that forced the Civil Rights legislation through Congress? It was the Republicans, over the filibuster from the likes of Robert Byrd (KKK-W.Va) and Al Gore Sr. (D-TN).

It was Democrats that were standing in the school doors blocking black children from getting a proper education, not the GOP.

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest problem Sheriff Clarke has is his HUGE ego. He wants to be all King of Milwaukee. He came into his office telling the deputies that he wanted to empower them, to give them the ability to do what needs to be done to get the job done. yet on every hand he bashes his deputies, blames them for the department's problems, demoralizes them and uses nepotism and toadyism to a level not seen since the days of the carpetbaggers. His daily inspirational messages to the troops included one telling the deputies that if they lack courage and are afraid they should go home. This from a man who asks that his home be patrolled while he is on vacation and refuses to travel without at least two armed deputies to protect him. Perhaps if he lacks courage and is afraid, he should resign.

All Sheriff Clarke cares about is himself and making himself look good. "Look at me, look what I did! I'm making this a great place!" This attitude beats down the people who support him through their work and puts the entire department at risk. If only the public knew what the deputies did--after all, he had a RESOUNDING vote of no confidence just before the last election.

Wake up people! Want a good sheriff who will put the needs of the community before his own needs? Ask a deputy or a law enforcement office what candidate to vote for. Don't believe what the media tells you.


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