Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Room for more on Dohnal's enemies list?

Bob Dohnal, who publishes something called the Wisconsin Conservative Digest (not sure, but it sounds a little right-wing, doesn't it?), came to the defense of poor beleaguered Tom Reynolds, the state senator everyone seems to be piling on latelty.

In his column, Dohnal lashes out at all sorts of whiny liberals.

Don't you just love it when you hear the Liberals whine? Who could be more proud of yourself when you are attacked by Spivak and Bice, the Milwaukee Journal, Jim McQuigan, Tony Staskunas, and Jim Sullivan?

Is there a bigger bunch of Liberal Whiners in the state than that bunch?

Aside from the question of who does the fact- and spell-checking for the Conservative Digest (The Milwaukee Journal has been out of business for years, and McGuigan's name didn't have a Q in it the last I knew), you have to marvel at this:

Spivak and Bice, the muckraking liberals from Milwaukee County, are also wonders to behold. As dedicated Secular/Socialists they hate any Christian who is also a conservative, and that is the nub of it.

I'm not sure why he qualified their Christian-hating credentials. Maybe Dohnal knows a liberal Christian who Spivak and Bice like?

Their Socialist bent will come as quite a shock to all of the liberals the Spice Boys have skewered in their column over the last several years.

And now to my real beef: Why aren't Gretchen Schuldt and I on the list? We've done our best to bash Reynolds at every opportunity. Guess we will just have to try harder. I'm sure there are a lot of other volunteers who would like recognition, too.

This is like getting left off the Nixon Enemies List. A lot of good liberals who didn't make the cut were never the same again.


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

10 Blogger Originality Points for the "Spice Boys" monicker.

You're not nearly as irrelevant as Dohnal would have it.

Feeeeeeelllll better?

At 3:37 PM, Blogger krshorewood said...

If the Spice Boys are liberal, what does that make Dohnal?

Just for fun, a count of the number of times S & B mentioned anyone from the GOP in their "muckraking" column over the course of a month was twice -- but that was not without throwing in Doyl's name for good measure.

It is about time Dohnal cut the liberal media nonsense, especially when it comes to the Journal. He is beating a way dead horse.

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Dohnal's case it is: "beeting a died hoarse"


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