Walker's campaign planned Harley trip

"Gee, I did it last year and nobody complained. I guess this is just politics because I'm running for governor now." (Not his exact words, but a paraphrase conveying the essence of his statements.)
Actually, there were at least two open records requests made at the time for documents about the 2004 trip. Reviewing them, it's clear someone should have been asking questions and complaining a year ago, because Walker's campaign was heavily involved in planning the "non-political" trip.
Let's recap quickly, rather than assume everyone knows all of the facts (if you do know all the facts, advance to the next paragraph): Walker led a cycle ride across the state, organized by his government staff, in his office, on taxpayer time. He advertised it on his county-paid website, and took along a number of county staff people who were paid their county salaries during the ride. Media coverage has focused not on the basic question of whether taxpayers paid for his two campaign trips in the last two years, but on the fact that Walker gave away $19,000 worth of free tickets to businesses along the way this year. (I don't think anyone has determined what and how much he gave away in 2004).
One of the documents Walker's office coughed up last year is a memo (scroll down when it opens) from Jim Villa, a former Walker chief of staff who left Walker's office to run his re-election campaign in 2004. Villa is a the founder of a political consulting firm, the Markesan Group, whose main client is Walker's campaign for governor. John Hiller, Walker's campaign treasurer and attack dog in the 2004 exec race, is a partner. Brian Fraley, a longtime GOP operative, is the third member. Walker announced the hiring of a campaign manager this week, but Villa and Co. are running the race.
Villa's memo explains, in some detail, how he is personally going to ride the route of Walker's Harley trip in advance, to check the route, scout locations, and generally take note of problems that needed to be solved or plans that needed to be made to make sure the trip all goes smoothly. He raises issues like making sure press contacts are set up, getting an intern assigned to do advance on the actual trip, getting rooms, T-shirts, communication devices, and other needs.
Villa acting in his role of campaign consultant, sent the document by e-mail to Walker and Walker staffer Dorothy Moore on their personal e-mail accounts, not to their Milwaukee county addresses. It would not have turned up on an open records request, except that he also sent one to Walker staffer Steve Mokrohisky at his county address. He also copied Hiller, his partner in the political firm.
If this trip was just to promote Milwaukee tourism, as Walker insists, why would the people he is paying to run his campaign for governor be making the arrangements and plans?
Villa wasn't spending his time because he wants more people to visit the Milwaukee zoo. His job is to get Walker elected governor, and that's what this trip was all about.
I have not seen the documents on the 2005 trip yet. There may be no Markesan Group correspondence, most likely because they have gotten better at covering their tracks. But you can bet they were involved up their eyeballs in the now-controversial 2005 ride as well, after creating the model in 2004.
Scottie Walker is really coming off as "Not Ready For Prime Time" as his campaign for governor struggles to get out of the gate.
Jeesh didn't anyone think how this stuff would play particularly in Green Bay? With the Public Museum debacle, the Domes roof falling down, and assorted other challenges at home, maybe the Milwaukee County Exec ought to focus more attention on his responsiblities at home and leave the promoting tourism work to the capable hands of Doug Neilson. Then again...
Walker thinks he can one-up the media with another, in-your-face ride, but all he'll do is keep the old sleazy story alive.
Given his amatuer handlers and their track record, just as rumnles into Superior with a Santa Sack of freebies, the pools will run out of money or his sewer lines will spred fresh poop all over Bradford Beach again. As he rushes home to manage the crises he left ticking when he left, he'll have to remind the people he's inviting to the disintegrating county parks to bring their own bug repellent, pooper-scoopers and antibiotics.
You, of all people, know that political calculations and strategy are inseparable parts of the day-to-day plans of mayors, governors, and most legislators. This is as it should be, in my opinion. Selective and contrived "indignation" from experienced political players about Walker's motorcycle ride is disingenuous. It leads to the disgraceful double-standard where individuals such as Scott Jensen faces criminal charges for alleged conduct that differs in no practical way from that of Wally Kunicki, Tom Loftus, and other Speakers of the Wisconsin Assembly.
George Mitchell
As I have pointed out repeatedly, George, Jensen didn't invent abuse of the caucus system but took it to new heights by hiring a state employee at a big salary to do nothing but raise money for Republicans at taxpayer expense. Show me some evidence that Loftus or Kunicki did that and I will change my opinion. link
Walker's statewide motorcycle ride is a pure political scheme, no matter how much he protests and pretends it's not. Now ewe find out his campaign planned and advanced the trip. Nice try, George, but this one stinks.
And yet you don't condem Doyle for going around the state making different parts of it "Capital for the Day?" Now that sounds like a double standard...but I guess that is what being a liberal is all about...
I thought it was too obvious to answer. Doyle, you see, is governor of the entire state, including Door County, and part of his job -- as was Tommy Thompson's, who started the traveling capital -- is to spend time and see constituents statwide.
Scott Walker, the last I knew, was the executive of Milwaukee County, which does not include Green Bay, Madison, Rockford, Wausau, St. Paul, Superior, or any of the other media markets he visited to get his face on TV and try to increase his name ID for the governor's race.
See any difference?
This left-driven distraction from the issues plaguing the state is disappointing. What better way to promote Milwaukee than by taking the message directly to those we are wooing to the area? That is exactly what Walker did – his job! Heaven forbid a government employee do that.
The real force behind your outrage, Bill, is that you see Walker as a threat. Scott is a reformer – he has transformed the political scene in Milwaukee and maintains his pledge on taxes, even causing other municipalities to think twice about raising them. He’s the candidate with the best chances of beating Doyle, and you know that.
I guess it’s only natural, then, that you would use a meritless story to attack him.
Scott Walker's bike shenanigans are hurting Milwaukee's image because he dragging down the image of the Harley rider. Once upon a time it was tough, Marlon Brando types who rode Hogs. Not it's politicians so slippery they might slip right off. If he keeps this up, folks will begin switching to Gold Wings.
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