Monday, August 15, 2005

'Dennis York' pulls the plug

Conservative blogger Dennis York says he is hanging up his keyboard, having gotten much more attention and notoriety than he ever expected.

If I contributed to that decision, I regret it. I thought Dennis, whoever he is, brought a rational, insightful conservative voice to the debate in Wisconsin. I was one of the first to start linking to him and encourage others to read him, even though we rarely, if ever, agreed on anything.

I revealed last Wednesday that Dennis is not really Dennis, but someone using a pseudonym to cloak his identity. I hadn't realized that until recently.

I speculated about how liberating it would be if I could write without readers knowing all of the heavy Democratic baggage I carry.

But I had no problem with the Yorkster's anonymity, and ended by encouraging him to keep writing.

I'm sorry to see him go. I hope he reconsiders.


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