Friday, September 30, 2005

Bennett, who broadcasts his racist views,

wants to educate more Wisconsin kids

"I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." -- Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education, author of "The Book of Virtue" and conservative poster boy, in a radio interview.

To be fair, he added that it probably wasn't a good or workable idea, like Richard Nixon saying,"That would be wrong" into the hidden microphone to cover his butt. You can read the transcript, and put the comment into context, at Media Matters.

No, Bennett didn't suggest aborting black fetuses. He was talking hypothetically. But no matter how you slice it, his comments were racist.

Bennett, by the way, operates a virtual school in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Virtual Academy. The Northern Ozaukee School District-based school is run by K12, a for-profit educational business founded by Bennett.

That virtual academy is the subject of a lawsuit by the state teachers' union, WEAC, which has been going on for a couple of years.

But Bennett is continuing to look for more business in Wisconsin, and has hired three lobbyists to represent his interests -- Nate Elias, Bill McCoshen, and Eric Petersen.

Presumably their jobs don't include defending Bennett's comments.

But it is hard to imagine any Wisconsin school district wanting to do business with Bennett after he shared some of his innermost thoughts this week.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Dave Diamond said...

Seriously, WTF? Were the forums down over lunchtime?

At 11:37 PM, Blogger realdebate said...

You might want to put the whole context down. You kind of missed that whole morally reprehensible thing. But then that would not fit your agenda. Bennet was argung against a premise in a LIBERAL Yale prof's book.

But then that would not fit your agenda.

Are you concerned at all with the truth?

At 8:26 AM, Blogger xoff said...

I believe Bennett said what he meant, then, after realizing what had come out of his mouth, backtracked and added the context that of course that would be wrong. The old Richard Nixon trick.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger realdebate said...

You are a lying sack of stuff Xoff, if you would of printed the entire context things would of looked much different.

You only show the portion the butresses your little shaded opinion. Did you metnion he was debunking a book written by a liberal professor from yale? Planned parenthood has said the same thing, no outcry from the attack left on that.

Sure I'm making it up.

from the report: At least one study reported that legalized abortion can account for about half the observed decline in crime in the U.S. since 1991. Homicide rates have fallen more than 40 percent, and violent crime and property crime have fallen more than 30 percent.

more: States with high abortion rates have seen a greater fall in crime since 1985, even after taking into account other factors that would be expected to influence the crime rate. Furthermore, these declines in crime rates in high-abortion states are disproportionately concentrated among those under the age of 25 (Donohue & Levitt, 2001).

Go ahead Xoff attack some lefties


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