Sunday, September 11, 2005

Blasphemy about New Orleans

A God with Whom I am Not Familiar

A "think piece"that will make you think. It's from a site called The Black Commentator, which describes itself:

The Black Commentator's core audience is African Americans and their allies in the struggle for social and economic justice. It is also important to share Black American perspectives with the rest of the world, a mission uniquely suited to the Internet.

This commentary by Tim Wise is "an open letter to the man sitting behind me at La Paz today, in Nashville, at lunchtime, with the Brooks Brothers shirt."

The language isn't pretty. I don't expect some of the comments from my hardcore wingnut commenters will be either. I don't endorse everything he says, but I can understand why he needs to say it. The people who need to hear it the most never will.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger XOut said...

It’s no wonder there is so much hatred in the U.S. This is what we have come to. The Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana fail to execute the evacuation plan and 100,000 of the poorest people in the country are stranded. This somehow is all my fault and I am to blame.

What a complete crock.

No. I feel very bad for all of them. The system failed them. I am very happy that so many other states, including Wisconsin have stepped up and are providing shelter and the opportunity for new lives. That city and state failed them and they should not be forced to go back. They deserve better lives – better than the one they had living under the corrupt and incompetent liberals back home.

At 12:48 AM, Blogger xoff said...

You're not to blame -- or were you the guy in the airport?

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Dave Diamond said...

Let's not start playing the blame game. There will be plenty of time to sort out what went right...and what went wrong.

P.S. to xout: Nobody's saying that you, personally, murdered the however-many-thousand people died in New Orleans. What they're saying is that your me-first, screw-the-poor, neo-conservative political philosophy is what allows something like this to happen.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Yeah - okay got it now. Thanks for clearing that up. So, I am not actually guilty of “murder,” but I bear responsibility because of my political views. I will keep better control over my barometric pressure in the future to avoid further mayhem.


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