Thursday, September 15, 2005

Penguins: Nature porn and bedtime story

This from Grist:

How I spent my summer vacation ... at the movies. This summer, moviegoers could feel justified in ignoring the nagging voice that tells you not to duck into a movie theater on a "perfectly nice day" (thanks, Mom).
Why was "March of the Penguins" such a big hit? It cut across the cultural divide, for one thing, somehow appealing to evangelicals and eco-freaks (not that they are always mutually exclusive.)
From the review:

The movie doesn't shy away from danger and death, but Morgan Freeman's warm, fatherly narration imposes order, transforming the penguins into the best possible version of us: simpler, purer, more devoted to their families and friends. The movie has even been embraced, the somewhat-obsessed NY Times also tells us, by Christian leaders who say it affirms the values of monogamy and intelligent design (not, says Jacquet, his intention). Penguins is thus the ultimate combination of nature porn and bedtime story -- and the summer's breakout hit. Whether people really think penguins fall in love or not, the film -- which cost about $7 million to make -- has grossed nearly $67 million since being released in the U.S. on June 25. It recently displaced Bowling for Columbine to become the second-highest-grossing documentary in film history -- right behind Fahrenheit 9/11.

No, I have not seen it. I'm waiting for the paperback version.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

..the paperback version? You?

Naaaah. Not unless it has pictures and REAL large type.

WEAC education, you know.


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