Monday, October 24, 2005

Talking in Republican circles

My favorite press release of the day, from the Republican Party of you-know-where, quotes its Chairman, Rick Graber:

“Our Election Day problems are so severe that even a House Committee is looking into it,” said Rick Graber, chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

The House committee, of course, came at the invitation of Rep. Mark Green, who wanted a chance to grandstand and try to score some political points on the photo ID bill that the Republican legislature passes a couple of times a week and sends to Gov. Jim Doyle for his veto. Green, you may have heard (50-50 chance, the polls say), is running for governor.

What Rep. Bob Ney, the committee chair and close pal of Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff and Mark Green (only two out of three have been indicted so far), didn't come to Wisconsin to "look into" anything except how to help Green's campaign. Wanna know more about Ney? Try here and here.


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