Monday, November 28, 2005

Newcomer really is a newcomer

Learn something every day -- and count the day lost that you don't catch hell for something.

I guess I might have known this if I really thought about it, since many Wisconsin members of Congress have claimed voting addresses in Wisconsin although living permanently in the DC area. (Not to mention Speaker John Gard, claiming to live in Peshtigo while living in Sun Prairie and sending his kids to school there.)

But I admit to a little surprise upon hearing that you can claim voting residency at an address where a house is still being built, and which you may not occupy for almost a year.

That's the ruling from George Dunst, legal counsel to the State Elections Board, in the case of the appropriately named candidate, Scott Newcomer.

Widgerson Library and Pub has a report on it, and Badger Blogger, which first questioned Newcomer's residency, has more, including a link to the Dunst letter, which explains that where you sleep is not necessarily your place of residence.


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