Friday, November 25, 2005

Random notes . . .

DIALING IT DOWN. I see Gov. Doyle has ordered the thermostats turned down in state buildings to save money -- from 72 degrees down to 68. Our themostat hasn't been at 72 since the energy crisis of 1973.

ILLEGAL WEB SITES. The last few days I have been bombarded with spam, some from what purports to be the CIA and others from the FBI. They tell me my IP-address has showed up on on more than 30 "illegal websites," and invite me to open some attached questions, which of course I've never done. But I do have this nagging doubt -- what if, under the Patriot Act, the government is monitoring my computer? Some illegal websites I visit could be The Progressive, Yellow Dog Blog, BuzzFlash, Lefty Blogs, AlterNet, Mother Jones,, and The Nation, just for starters. Pretty sure I could get to 30 without much effort. I only wish The Xoff Files could be illegal; think of what it would do for traffic.

BAD EXAMPLE. Does anyone else find it ironic that the Steven Avery case is being used as the reason to introduce another death penalty bill? Avery, whether guilty or not of the current charge against him, was wrongly convicted for an earlier crime and spent 18 years in prison. If it had been a capital offense, he would have been put to death for a crime he didn't commit. It's true that if we had wrongly executed Avery he would not ave been able to commit another crime, but that doesn't seem like the best argument for the death penalty.

PUTTING THE X BACK IN XMAS. Several right-wing bloggers in the Milwaukee area have their undies bundled over radio station WRIT's play list for holiday music (I didn't say Christmas just to prove to them I really am the heathen they think I am.) The 24/7 Christmas music doesn't include enough religious songs, they say. Excuse me, but isn't that up to the station under this free enterprise system the conservatives champion? If people don't like their selections, they can listen to another station. It's The American Way. (Anyone for starting a petition to get Republican radio WTMJ to go all-religious music all year-round? It would be a vast improvement.)


At 2:16 PM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

Asking WRIT to play more Christian Christmas music is the free market at work. They could've just said no, and us right-wingers would've said fine, we'll listen to a radio station that caters to us. That's how it's supposed to work.

What I found to be mind-numbingly stupid on the part of WRIT's program director was to insist that any Christmas song is Christian. If you can find the Christian meaning in "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" I'm going to have to ask what you're smoking.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

By the way, I made a similar point about Avery, and let me add one. The bill as proposed by Tom Reynolds seems to point directly to the type of crime Avery is alleged to have committed. Proponents of the death penalty should be made to explain the utility of such a punishment in the case of Steven Avery. Deterrence? Unlikely.


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