Monday, November 14, 2005

WOW! Rumor turns out to be false!

This from Jessica McBride's blog:

This would be interesting...

A reader emails me:

The Wisconsin Hospital Association really screwed up. The ad they are running on WISN asks people to "thank the governor" for reinstating the med mal caps." Which he hasn't. I think they cut tow [sic]ads and sent the wrong one to the station....WOW

I haven't seen the ad, so I can't vouch for this personally, although it comes from someone whose intellect I respect. Some enterprising reporter should check it out and see if it's true. After all, on Oct. 19, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

Madison - A bill to reinstate caps on pain and suffering awards for medical malpractice victims will go before state lawmakers next week, but Gov. Jim Doyle questioned Wednesday whether they were constitutional.

WOW! That "would be interesting" if it were true. But it's not. And it wouldn't take too much work for some "enterprising" blogger to check it out, instead of publishing every rumor that comes in e-mail.

One reason she hasn't "seen the ad" is that it's on WISN radio, not television. If you listen to it here, you'll find that it doesn't ask anyone to "thank the governor" for anything. It asks people to call him and ask him to sign the bill.


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