Friday, December 09, 2005

Newest blogger on the block finds

echoes of discrimination in marriage laws

Renee Crawford launches a new blog, Crawford's Take, today with some personal and relevant observations about discrimination and marriage. She writes of her parents:
At the time they married in the summer of 1966, it was ILLEGAL for them to get married in 38 states in the United States. They were in love and married against the general will of society in the island of Milwaukee where our Progressive tradition did not prevent their affirming that love and committing to each other legally.
They were not gay; they were of different races. But Crawford sees the parallels:
The reasons they gave for miscegenation laws are not very different than the reasons given today against same sex relationships. Mixing of races was considered against the laws of God and nature, there were worries about "the children", it was dangerous to society, sexually deviant and perverted, and could endanger the very institution of marriage itself. Sound familiar?


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