Monday, December 19, 2005

Rs mistake opportunism for leadership

Scott Walker and Mark Green, the Rs who would be governor, are elbowing each other this week to see who can get more of the attention on the gas tax issue.

Walker crows that Jim Doyle, who actually is the governor, is just taking his idea if he signs the bill ending automatic gas tax indexing (read increases) every year. He's probably disappointed Doyle won't veto it, so he and the other Repubs could demagogue on it for a year.

Green, meanwhile, says Doyle should go farther and cut the gas tax by 2 cents a gallon.

Both conveniently forget their own records in the legislature -- when Walker and Green both voted to keep the annual increase in place, and to raise the gas tax on top of it.

What's different now? They're running for governor.

They call that leadership. Others call it opportunism.


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