Sunday, December 04, 2005

Time for more shock and awe?

19% think there are WMDs in Iraq NOW

Amazing. And surprising that Bush's numbers aren't even better, since such a large percentage of the American public apparently resides on another planet. A Fox News poll, so you know it's fair and balanced:

In addition, some Americans think there are still weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A 42 percent plurality thinks Iraq had weapons before the war and moved or destroyed them, while 28 percent think there were no WMD at all. Almost one in five (19 percent) think there are still WMD in Iraq
Where do you suppose they moved them? They weren't in the hole with Saddam. If we find out where they moved them -- I assume it's another country -- it will be time for a little of the old shock and awe, wouldn't you say?

Hat tip: Think Progress.


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