Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Like James Bond, a license to kill

The National Rifle Assn. (NRA) is promoting a "license to kill" law, AKA "Shoot First"(and ask questions later.)

Wayne LaPierre says the NRA wants every state in the union to allow people to kill anyone that they think is a threat to them.

The law has already passed in in Florida and Colorado. LaPierre has boasted that the Florida law is a model for the nation to be exported to other states.

And they have begun trying to pass the "license to kill" law in New Hampshire, Alabama, Wyoming, Georgia and Alaska, among other states. [Wisconsin will have to wait; the NRA wants to passed the concealed weapons bill first, then move on to "license to kill."]

Already, a man was acquitted in Colorado for pursuing some people who beat him up in his house. The man was clearly well enough to grab a gun and run after them, so his life was not in danger. Then, as they were about to drive away, he shot and killed the driver. Under the "license to kill law," he was let off scot-free.

The victim's family is rightfully outraged. The very lawmaker who drafted the law for the NRA calls "license to kill" a "miscarriage of justice."

If you are in a traffic accident and get in an argument with the other driver, that person can legally shoot you under this law if they claim they felt endangered. It's that outrageous.

The Freedom States Alliance has started the campaign to stop what it calls the NRA's "License to Murder." Here's a link.


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