Bush endorses Feingold's timetable for Iraq
As Dubya's poll numbers have hit new lows this week (In a Washington Post-ABC News poll this month, 65 percent said Bush has no Iraq plan) he made a major shift in his Iraq policy and is now talking about benchmarks and a timetable for bringing troops home from Iraq with a target date of the end of this year.
This is what our "junior senator" has been talking about for the last 9 months, but when he did it was attacked by the administration and the right as "cut and run" and as way of telling enemy when we are leaving.
The Washington Post has the the story,
"President Bush vowed yesterday to turn over most of Iraq to newly trained Iraqi troops by the end of this year, setting a specific benchmark as he kicked off a fresh drive to reassure Americans alarmed by the recent burst of sectarian violence.
Bush, who has largely resisted concrete timelines as the Iraq war dragged on longer than he expected, outlined the target in the first of a series of speeches intended to lay out his strategy for victory."
Can we expect the McSykes crowd to say that Bush is turning his back on our troops like they did when Feingold made the same proposals last year?
What Dubya is talking about sounds very familiar.
"Feingold proposes a gradual withdraw of U.S. troops from Iraq. Feingold proposes December 31, 2006 as the target date for military completion in Iraq. Feingold believes that a clear timeline would undermine recruiting efforts of insurgents, encourage Iraqi transistion of power, and create a broader discussion of pressing national security issues. Feingold feels "obligated to help jump start the process by proposing a significant goal for bringing U.S. forces home from Iraq."
Bush has always maintained a timetable for getting out -- when the job is done. Feingold was daydreaming through a calendar trying to pick one. Thank God he’ll never be President.
Oops, I didn’t mean to use the word God, I am sorry if I offended anyone.
Bush's dissembling about an election day withdrawal puts me in mind of Kissinger lying that "Peace is at hand," in 1968.
It's a lie of convenience to fool the base. As he rambles about withdrawal he's building up the force on the ground.
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