Saturday, March 11, 2006

Jensen's Self-Destruction

Maybe someday soon-to-be-former State. Rep. Scott Jensen, (R-Town of Brookfield), will tell us what he was thinking when he chose to contest charges in court to which he had already confessed.

Charges similar to those to which a bi-partisan handful of other legislators had already pleaded guilty.

Charges supported by a trove of documents and witnesses.

Shakespeare wrote about the insolence of office: Jensen has re-defined it.


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Anonymous said...

This was a tragedy.

There are plenty of sleezes in the capitol Jensen wasn't one of them.

Under the standards that were used to convict Jensen every elected official in the state could go to jail, including the Grand Hypocrite-In-Chief Brian Blanchard.

Use caucus staff for campaigns much, Brian? Forget to prosecute the caucus that shoe-horned you into power? Such a surprise.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger krshorewood said...

Tragedy my ass.

The money and intense partisanship that have polluted the state legislature were a product of Tommy Thompson and his acolytes Scott Jensen and Scott Walker.

What we have gotten for government here in this state over teh past 20 years has been shameful. I usually am not rah rah when it comes to the prospect of people going off to jail, but in Jensen's case this just makes a start on paying back for ruining our once fine clean government tradition.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Billiam said...

If you think the Democrats weren't doing the exact same thing, then you either didn't see Blanchards report or you're so partisan that I'm wasting my time. The whole system is corrupt, yet many think it's ONLY those evil Republicans or ONLY those wicked Democrats. People need to pull their heads out of their butts. This was a travesty. Remeber your gloating if it ever happens to a Democrat. Politics seems to be all about payback these days.


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