Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mark Green: A follower we can lead

Rep. Mark Green continues to amaze us with his willingness to endorse an amendment to the state constitution sight unseen -- any old amendment, whatever it does, ad long as we can say we're holding down taxes.

Today, he did it again, endorsing whatever comes out of the Assembly before any vote, before any decision on what will be in it, what levels of government it will cover, or what it will really do. If the State Senate passes something different, he'll endorse that, too.

It's totally a case of style over substance.

Green's statement.

If that's leadership, I am the Prince of Wales.

See also: Green: Trust me on budget, I don't have a clue.

Also: Green is firmly squishy on TABOR.


At 7:04 PM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

What are you talking about? He clearly gives the parameters of what he would support:
"I hope they end up passing a simple, straight forward amendment that slows the growth of government spending and will finally lower the tax burden for Wisconsin families." The most you can pick fault with is the lack of a hyphen and that he's late to the debate.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger xoff said...

After all of the analysis by your neoconblog colleagues of the various proposals, you're going to argue that endorsing a blank-check concept is some sign of leadership?

Mark Green gets a pass and doesn't even have to support a specific proposal?

Give me a break

At 10:18 AM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

No, what I'm saying is he did not endorse a "blank check" proposal. Even in the little blurb you quoted, he outlined the parameters of what he would support.

That what he did was too little too late is a separate issue.


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