Sunday, April 02, 2006

White privilege? Naaah!

Here's a question only a white person could ask: Does white privilege exist?

The right-wing Cheddarsphere discussion/debate started here. It's a thoughtful debate, even if the answer appears to be obvious to most non-whites. One of the more insightful comments:

I'm white.

My parents were living in government housing when I was born.

I grew up in a racially mixed working class neighborhood.

My parents have never owned a home.

My parents didn't go to college.

My brothers both dropped out of high school.

I was the first person in my family since it was in the United States to go to college.

I worked three jobs to pay my own way through college.

I now own my own business. Pay the mortgage on a nice lannonstone house and drive a convertible.

I worked to achieve everything I have.

And I completely believe that my black neighbors had the same opportunity to succeed that I did.

We all started in exactly the same place.

However, I think you have to be willfully blind to say that I didn't benefit from being a white male in America.

This is my culture. The people in charge most often look like me. I was born speaking the language.

The advantages of being white (and male) in America can be subtle (certainly compared to the way America was 50 years ago), but I think they still exist.


At 6:07 PM, Blogger TPDN said...

Sounds like a great excuse for accomplishing nothing. You're too smart to be this patronizing. Break out from your dogma, Brother Bill. I know you can do it.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger krshorewood said...

It's not a question of white privilege. There are a lot of whites who do not enjoy privileges.

Rather the point is the existence of African-American disadvantage -- which exists in a greater percentage of that race than it does for Caucasian-Americans. Loan rates, employment rates and a myriad of measures support that.

Sure you can point to Blacks who made it out. That's admirable but it should not be strain on those who did not. It's like saying since Harry Houdini could wiggle out of a straight jacket, why can't all Jewish guys do that?

At 9:55 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

Privilege? What privileges have I had in my life? None ... Zero ... Zilch ... Zip ... Nada.

I have a $75,000 bachelor's degree, a $35,000 Master's degree (both of which I paid for since I wasn't eligible for any grants even though when I was an undergraduate my father only made $20,000 a year - the formula determined he could afford to pay for my education).

Know what I have for that education? A pissant $7,000 a year job trying to help inner city Milw kids who don't care about their education learn how to read and do math.

Privilege? Please tell me where to go find some. Because for once in my life I deserve a break. Instead of watchinf everyone else get them while I get the shaft.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

I was specifically not hired for three teaching jobs by school districts in the Milwaukee area in the 1980s because I was white ... I was told they had to meet their "affirmative action" goals. Privilege? Save it for someone with the IQ of a cabbage who might buy it.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger xoff said...

Gee, Peter, maybe it's an attitude problem in your interviews, or that big friggin chip on your shoulder.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

RIght now I have one ... and I think I am entitled to have one.

Bill, I have had exactly one school interview since 1985 ... I got the job. Every other one I have been told thanks but no thanks ... and my credentials and evaluations don't take a back seat to anyone. I'll be happy to share them with you if you like.

I feel I have a right to be bitter and angry and strike out at people at my age.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Then we all have that right. I've read your stuff. There's a reason your not getting hired.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

You don't know me at all yet you feel you have the right to launch personal attacks on me.

Tim: do the world a favor .. go stick a 9 mm in your mouth and pull the trigger. The world won't miss your worthless ass.

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

I have a right to comment on anything you post. My post dealt with your comments.

I have had a successful career, with as little personal privilege as you claim. I never complained or whined, but went right out and tried harder next time...and succeeded

I'm now retired, and raising my kids to never whine or complain, just to do their best. My kids have more gumption than you do.

And by the way, I also do some recruiting for companies on the side. Your comment is another reason you're not hired...and won't be by anyone I work for. And, I'll remember your name in conversations with other recruiters. Good luck.


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