Saturday, May 06, 2006

Can Scott Walker have it both ways?

First the good news. Milwaukee County isn't going to go bankrupt -- because it's not allowed to, even if it wanted to, Sunday's Journal Slantinal reports.

The bad news is, bankruptcy or not, the county may be insolvent within two years. You don't have to be a banker to know that ain't good.

Fortunately, the editorial board has a solution: The state will just have to bail out Milwaukee County. It's not their boy Walker's fault, they say, so Jim Doyle should just let bygones be bygones and fork over the dough.

Does anyone see any irony in Scott Walker -- champion of freezing taxes at both the state and local level, and a constitutional amendment to enforce it -- asking the state to spend more money to help him out?

He's lucky there isn't some kind of constitutional amendment that would restrict spending and make it impossible to even consider it.

Should we have a statewide referendum on whether to send state aid to Milwaukee? How do you think that would go?

What's Mark Green's plan to help Milwaukee County?

What do Glenn Grothman, Mary Lazich, McSykes, Dan Vrakas, Belling, and friends think about raiding the public treasury?

Can't wait to watch this unfold.


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