Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Is Falwell next at Clarke roll call?

You just can't please these law enforcement officers.

Milwaukee police are suing the city because they want to be paid for the time they spend putting their uniforms on and taking them off -- donning and doffing in their lawyer's terminology.

Meanwhile, Milwaukee sheriff's deputies are complaining that they are being paid to be proselytized.

Seems Sheriff David Clarke has invited a group called the Fellowship of Christian Centurians to speak to deputies during roll call. What's wrong with that? Aside from the waste of taxpayer time and money, there is the small issue of mixing church and state. Who's next, Jehovah's Witnesses? More likely Jerry Falwell, who's a better fit for Clarke's philosophy.

The Milwaukee Police Department, by the way, does not allow the group to attend roll calls.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

Would you feel better if he handed them copies of the Da Vinci Code?

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

They're both works of fiction, so what's the difference.


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