Monday, May 22, 2006

Reporter infiltrates NRA by joining

How to infiltrate the NRA convention: Buy a membership.

A Racine reporter was admitted only with an escort, because he was "a security risk." Scott Anderson reports:
I asked why, armed with a pencil, an NRA-supplied reporter’s notebook, an NRA program and a camera slung over my shoulders to the small of my back, why I would be a security risk in a room filled with guns and large men who know how to use them.
But a Madison reporter, Susan Lampert Smith, easily got through security. Of course, she is now a proud -- or maybe bemused -- member of the NRA, which allowed her access to acres of guns and exhibits. Quite a risk they took, letting her wander around unescorted. Luckily for the NRA, she's peace-loving.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

...and under what provision of the Constitution is the NRA required to allow anyone into its convention without membership?

At 5:56 PM, Blogger realdebate said...

Is the NRA non-peace loving?


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