Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lashing out, Ozaukee board misses target

The Ozaukee County Board got its dander up about somebody they disagree with teaching at the University of Wisconsin, so they decided to lash out. There was no way they could hurt UW, so they did the next best thing and cut a little money from UW Extension, I guess because UW is part of its name.

The Journal Sentinel reports:
"The only people who will be harmed by this kind of cut in Ozaukee County or any other county will be our local 4-H kids, local farmers, local families, local businesses, local communities," said David Giroux, a spokesman for UW Extension in Madison...

Giroux questioned the logic of penalizing UW Extension because of a hiring decision at UW-Madison.

"Kevin Barrett has absolutely no affiliation with University of Wisconsin Extension. I understand (County Supervisor Sopko's) reaction. It's easy to understand those feelings. It's harder for us to understand how this is being done to direct that frustration at those local extension programs when in fact the person you're frustrated with has no connection to those programs," Giroux said.

The UW Extension is a separate institution of the UW System.
But it sure did feel good. Next week: A boycott of Badger Liquor.

Keith Schmitz writes an insightful piece on who gets hurt.

UPDATE: Seth Zlotocha on going too far ... and in the wrong direction.

UPDATE TOO: Pundit Nation's Michael Mathias suggests you check out . Sup. Sopko's webpage if you want a better idea of where he's coming from.


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