Lunatic fringe alive and well in Wisconsin GOP
Jessica McBride, back from a little post-primary hiatus, devotes her latest op ed column to adding up how many Democrats voted for people in the primary that she considers to be left-wing lunatics.
She can't understand how people could vote for Ben Masel, Chip DeNure, or Larraine McNamara-McGraw, to name a few of her targets. McBride opines:
But the fact these candidates garnered more than, say, 1 percent to 3 percent of the vote says something about the shifting center of the Democratic Party. It's increasingly moving from Lieberman left to Lamont loony. Or from linear thought to, well, nonlinear thought.Well, hold on a minute.
None of the candidates she trashes came even close to winning their primaries. All were soundly rejected by people who voted in the Democratic primary.
On the other hand, Republicans have actually nominated and elected at least one certifiable loony.
State Sen. Tom Reynolds, pride of West Allis, got 5,673 votes to defeat incumbent Peggy Rosenzweig in the Republican primary in 2002. In the general election in that Republican-dominated district, he got 31,693 votes. That's four times as many votes as her target Chip DeNure got in the entire 3rd Congressional District, and 50% more than MacMac got in her losing DA campaign.
And McBride will be among those trying to help Reynolds, whose antics and opinions regularly embarrass her mentor, Charlie Sykes, and even harder-core wingnuts, in his bid to win another term.
The final canvass isn't in yet, but one Robert Gerald Lorge was unopposed on the Republican primary ballot for U.S. Senate. Let's see how many Repubs voted for the accused child molester.
I won't even add up the votes in the Republican AG primary, where GOP voters had a choice between two extremists and picked the real one.
I don't know a lot about some of the losers in GOP legislative races, but I do know that people like J. P. Drengler got 10% of the primary vote.
The lunatic fringe is well-represented in the Wisconsin Republican Party, where they actually win elections and become leaders in the legislature. I haven't begun to scratch the surface.
Glass house, Jessica. Glass house.
UPDATE: Tom Reynolds has agreed to debate Jim Sullivan if the audience is blindfolded. Power Progress has more.
UPDATE 2: Carrie Lynch offers another example of GOP extremist candidates.
Touchy-Feely? Poopcan? If this is what passes for political humor on the right, I say keep it up.
You forgot "Balledwin?" I'm guessing Germantown_kid is maybe a seventh grader.
I outpolled Bucher in such liberal loony outposts as Burnett, Crawford, Forest, Iowa, Trempeleau, and Marathon Counties.
Gee, all I know is what I read on Jessica McBride's blog:
Great, so now the choice for U.S. Senate is a man (Robert Lorge) accused in a civil suit of molesting a 3-year-old girl and a man (Herb Kohl) who supports partial birth abortion, amnesty for illegal aliens, opposes English being the national language, and has a terrible record on taxes and gun owners' rights. Thanks state Republican Party for the great choice!
...I'd hoped at one time that we could revisit Lorge's reputation for oddness since his stances on the issues were a lot better than Kohl's. Lorge is denying the accusations. I don't have any way of knowing if they are true, but I will say that he won't be welcome on my show again. As the mother of a 1-1/2 year old girl, I can tell you that, when it comes to allegations of molesting 3-year-olds, I'm not willing to take the chance. So, that's it for Robert Lorge in my book.
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