Saturday, March 26, 2005

Make your own medical decisions

Unless you want Tom DeLay, F. James Sensenbrenner, George W. Bush, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia making your life-and-death medical decisions for you, this would be a good time to create an advance directive (also called a living will) and execute a health care power of attorney. It is easy to do. Here is a link to one of many sites that provide the information in Wisconsin. Power of attorney/living will.

NOTE TO SENS. KOHL AND FEINGOLD: I see that the Senate passed the Schiavo bill by unanimous consent, without a vote, with only 3 Senators on the floor. Now that the Congress has started to intervene in individual medical cases, I just want to request that when the bill comes up to keep me alive against my wishes that you come to the floor and object. Thank you.


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