Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Democrats and the Deaniacs

It was noted here this week that Democracy for Wisconsin, a group that grew out of the Dean presidential campaign, was thinking of supporting a candidate for chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

When meeting night rolled around, attendance was much greater than usual, and with a number of newcomers participating, a majority of the group expressed support for Joe Wineke, who is being seen as the establishment candidate for chair.

What's interesting is that the newcomers/outsiders/invaders are being described, by reporters and bloggers, as being "Democratic Party members."

It's not exactly like the Repubs took it over. Aren't the members of Democracy for Wisconsin also Democrats? If they aren't members of the Democratic Party, they should be. Their guy, Howard Dean, is now the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

The vote this week was about who to support for chairman of the state Democratic Party. Why wouldn't "Democratic Party members" want to attend and participate?

If the Deaniacs want to limit participation, they need to set some requirements for membership. Unless they do, those darned Democrats might keep showing up. Story

UPDATE OF SORTS: One of the participants in Wednesday's meeting says the vote was for no endorsement, not to endorse Wineke. My impression was the newspaper article was that Wineke had been endorsed, although it did not say that directly.


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