Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Race for Dem chair shaping up

It has escaped most people's notice, including mine, but it appears there will be a race at the Wisconsin Democratic convention for state chair.

Joe Wineke, former State Senator, is the apparent frontrunner. But Jeff Rammelt, the 18-year Jefferson County chair, is in the race, too.

Believe it or not, the race is sparking some hot online debate at the Democracy for Wisconsin's Yahoo Group. Go back a week or so in the postings to catch the flavor.

The group, an outgrowth of the Howard Dean presidential campaign, is meeting at 7 tonight (Wed.) at the downtown Madison library and may consider an official endorsement in the chair's race.

CORRECTION: First post incorrectly identified the group as Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, which is a horse of a different feather. It is Democracy for Wisconsin.

UPDATE: WHO ARE THE DEANIACS? This survey suggests they should thrive in Madison.

UPDATE 2: The endorsement went to Wineke, whose supporters organized turnout and dominated the vote. Despite some outrage by regulars who attend Democracy for Wisconsin meetings, that's how politics works, whether it is a presidential caucus or a grassroots neighborhood group. Cap Times story


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