Sunday, April 03, 2005

Go Kinky in 2006

Hey, y'all.

Sorry. Your scribe has been in Austin for a few days and is beginning to speak in the language of the indigenous personnel.

The bumperstickers here say "Keep Austin Weird."

To further that cause, singer/author/hellraiser Kinky Friedman is running as an independent for governor of Texas, under the compelling slogan, "Why the hell not?" His candidacy lends itself to all sorts of interesting slogans and merchandise (like the bumpersticker, "My governor is a Jewish cowboy.")

One slogan, for example: "How hard can it be?"

His platform promises to "de-wussify Texas."

But it is not all fun. "We're Number One in executions and we're Number 49 in funding public education," Friedman said.

Game for more? Check it out at his campaign website.

And we thought Ed Thompson was fun?


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