Sunday, April 24, 2005

Ms. Right, legs and all

Ann Coulter, right-wing pinup, makes the cover of Time, skinny legs and all. In fact, her skinny legs dominate the cover.

Politics aside, let's get down to the basic question: Does she have an eating disorder or what?

And what makes those church-goin', Bible-thumpin' conservatives think she's sexy? Is it the way she talks dirty,using words like "slander" and "treason" when she talks about liberals and anyone who doesn't agree with her? Ah, yes. Abuse 'em, baby. Whip 'em with your words.

No accounting for taste, I guess.

Are these comments sexist? They could have been -- if Coulter hadn't branded herself as a sex symbol, so she could spout ridiculous right-wing rhetoric and talk her way into the Club because the men who run the neocon movement (and the media, apparently) are too distracted by her short skirts to listen to what's coming out her mouth.

When Mom said she hoped you'd meet Ms. Right, this isn't who she had in mind.

Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post has more.


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