Cleaning out the inbox
A few random items that never quite bubbled up to the top this week:
Oops. Correction from the Washington Post: "Articles on April 25 and 26 about Pope Benedict XVI said that St. Peter was the founder of the Roman Catholic Church. According to the church, Jesus was the founder."
Quote of the week. "I am not comfortable with any form of fundraising." -- LtGov Barbara Lawton.
Lean and mean. Scott Walker brags that he leads in the GOP primary for gov (at least in his own poll), despite the fact that rival Mark Green has several staff members and Walker doesn't plan to hire his first full-time staffer until later this year. The last person who tried to run a statewide campaign with no visible campaign staff was Brian Burke. Need I say more?
The Gold standard. Hard to believe Marquette was able to compromise on a new nickname that absolutely nobody likes. Maybe they should go back to one that had a fair amount of support the last time the student body got to vote: The Marquette Interchange.
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