Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Green, Ryan high on DeLay list

This from the Public Campaign Action Fund:

Tom DeLay is under an ethical cloud. He's being investigated for taking overseas golf trips and other junkets on the dime of front groups and shady lobbyists. To his colleagues in Congress, though, he's a true sugar daddy. Everybody "owes Mr. DeLay for something—a job, a piece of legislation, or a large campaign contribution," says The New York Times. We've created a ranking based on how often they vote the way DeLay does, how much DeLay's PAC contributed to them, how much they've contributed to DeLay's legal defense fund, and so on.

Wisconsin's own Mark Green makes the top 25, and Paul Ryan makes the top 50 list. Green has received $29,414 from DeLay's political action committee and votes with DeLay 91.1% of the time. Ryan has received $25,390 from the DeLay PAC and votes with him 92.26% of the time.

Green and Ryan each have contributed $1,000 to DeLay's legal defense fund.

See for yourself.


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