Thursday, May 26, 2005

Scott Walker's free ride

Posted by Hello

When Scott Walker's not busy sending political e-mails at taxpayer expense, or chastising underlings who do the same as he does, what does he do for fun?

Well, he rides a Harley around the state of Wisconsin for six days, hitting every media market in the state, doing interviews.

About his candidacy for governor? Perish the thought!

The media exposure is all about promoting tourism in Milwaukee County, he says on his taxpayer-financed website.

You know, like telling people in Madison that Milwaukee County has a zoo. Or reminding people in Eau Claire that there's a major league baseball team besides the Twins, playing in Milwaukee in a stadium they paid for. Or talking up the "dynamic exhibits" at the troubled Milwaukee Public Museum, which could use some more paying customers.

That Walker. What a guy! Spending his own time (well, actually, he didn't say it is vacation, and I'm pretty sure the taxpayers are paying his salary during the trip) just to promote his home county. No politics, no personal gain, no ulterior motives. Just unselfish public service at its finest.

If you'd like to go along, just call or e-mail Dorothy Moore, a county employee, to sign up. You'll find her county phone number and county e-mail address on -- where else? -- the county website.

Bad news for bikers is that they have to make their own hotel reservations and pay their own way. Unlike Walker, we presume.

BUSINESS EXEC'S OBSERVATION: A Milwaukee business CEO offered these unsolicited comments:

"If he wanted to promote tourism I could think of 100 more effective ways for an executive to do it. For example, he could work the phones and meetings with the Convention and Visitors Bureau to attract conventions. He could make sure we have great parks (and pools) all summer. He could coordinate his activities with the state tourism office and help Wisconsin support our tourism industry. Riding his motorcycle and glad-handing around the state may help him get recognized as a gubernatorial candidate, but I don't think he will sell many Brewers tickets.

"County Executive Walker's ride is a self-serving boondoggle. How many businesses would let an employee, at any level, get on his Harley and ride around for 6 days to "promote the business"? Not a one in the private sector.

"It's not logical. It's not right."


At 1:19 PM, Blogger krshorewood said...

Oh boy, I can't wait. The "Dare to be Dull" tour.

This is one guy who should confine his campaign to a TV studio.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention he and other county staffers are being paid their county salaries for riding along.


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