Monday, May 02, 2005

TV campaign, British style

Here's a set of three British TV spots, one from each political party. You'll find them quite a change from what you're used to seeing.

Watch the spots

Here's a summary from Kevin Drum, who writes the Political Animal blog for Washington Monthly:

Labour: Sure, we kind of suck. Totally understandable you feel that way. But Christ, just look at the Conservatives. If you vote for them, they'll make you wish you'd never been born.

Conservatives: Britain has become a hellhole. A hellhole with oddly soothing music to go along with it, but a hellhole nonetheless. However, if you vote for us things might become a bit less hellish.

Liberal Democrats: Oh face it: both Labour and the Conservatives are a bunch of twits. Might as well give us a try, don't you think?


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