Monday, June 27, 2005

Public doesn't buy Cheney, Condi spin on Iraq

Perhaps President Bush needs to find something new and different to say in his speech to the nation Tuesday night on Iraq. The old stuff isn't working:

"A new ABC News/Washington Post poll out this morning finds that many Americans differ with accounts of the Iraq war offered by two top Administration officials, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

"According to ABC News' Jon Cohen, "public views are largely at odds with Cheney's assessment of the strength of the insurgency in Iraq: While Cheney said in an interview in late May that it's 'in its last throes,' only a quarter of Americans agree. And while Rice said success in Iraq 'will be a death knell for terrorism as we know it,' again only about a quarter of the public believes that defeating the insurgents in Iraq would do a great deal to defeat terrorism more generally, beyond Iraq's borders.'"

"These views from a new ABC News/Washington Post poll come amid some broadly negative public views of the war in Iraq. In an ABC/Post poll in early June, 58 percent said they disapproved of the way George W. Bush was handling the situation in Iraq and more than six in 10 felt the U.S. is bogged down there. President Bush plans to address the nation on the war on terrorism and the situation in Iraq tomorrow, the one year anniversary of the handover of power to an interim Iraqi government." -- From The Note, ABC News


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