Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wisconsin's image and economy at risk,

pioneer stem cell researcher warns

Jamie Thomson offers direct, candid view of anti-research efforts

Wisconsin is in danger of being known as the home of some well-meaning but backward yokels who are anti-science, if the state persists in taking action to prevent or stifle embryonic stem cell research.

The results? "(O)ur state's economy will be left behind ...Restrictive legislation in the area of stem cell research will create a perception that this state is generally hostile to science. Technology companies will locate in other states, and top faculty candidates will go to other universities."

Who says so?

James (Jamie) Thomson, the UW-Madison biologist who was the first scientist to isolate and culture human embryonic stem cells. Thomson's breakthrough put Wisconsin on the cutting edge of stem cell research. But it also set off some controversy and repeated attempts by conservatives to pass legislation to stop it.

"The current attempts at legislation here are known nationally, and the response in the scientific community outside this state ranges from bewilderment to contempt," Thomson said in a letter to legislators.

In a remarkable, candid exchange with the sponsor of a bill to restrict the research, Thomson said:

"I was born and grew up in the Midwest, but subsequently studied both on the east and west coasts. I therefore know first hand that there is a strong impression on both coasts that the middle of the country is an intellectual void.

"If a T.V. sitcom takes place in either L.A. or New York, and the writers want to introduce a character that is a well-meaning yokel, they often put a T-shirt on him with "Wisconsin" printed on the front to establish his character.

"It has been a great source of pride to me that the publicity surrounding human embryonic stem cells and its universal association with Wisconsin has helped to remove that T-shirt.

"Please be absolutely clear: any legislation that impacts basic science that is more restrictive than current federal legislation will only help put that T-shirt back on."

And you thought researchers were ivory-tower eggheads who can only write scientific papers?

Thomson's letter was prompted by an e-mail to legislators from State Rep. Steve Kestell, sponsor of a bill to ban cloning, including therapeutic cloning for stem cell research, which has passed the Assembly and is in the State Senate this week.

Kestell urged lawmakers to read an online interview with Thomson at MSNBC. His message:

From: Rep.Kestell
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 3:14 PM
To: *Legislative Everyone
Subject: James Thomson Cloning Interview
Importance: High

Dear Members of the Legislature,

I have attached a link to an interview that Dr. Thomson gave to MSNBC this week. It is fascinating reading and clearly shows that Dr. Thomson is an honorable man who has given great thought to the ethical questions surrounding his work.

I encourage everyone to read the entire article and pay extra attention to his remarks about Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (cloning). Dr. Thomson understands the implications and also expresses a concern that has been recently denied by representatives of our own University, that once a cloned embryo is created for research purposes, it is virtually indistinguishable from any other embryo and could be implanted.

Dr. Thomson goes on to talk about the overdone hype used by proponents (and opponents) of research and encourages honest discussion rather than deception.

In this interview, Dr. Thomson talks about separating the debate over cloning and other forms of stem cell research - This is exactly what AB 499 allows us to do.

Rep. Steve Kestell

Thompson said he meant nothing of the sort:

"In my recent MSNBC interview I tried to give an honest assessment of the state of stem cell research. It troubles me that my words could be used to support a ban on a particular area of research that many scientists find promising. I merely attempted to point out that in going forward, separating the issue of using existing frozen embryos that would otherwise be discarded, from the issue of nuclear transfer or so-called therapeutic cloning makes public policy sense, as there is a remarkable degree of public consensus on the first issue, and considerable public disagreement on the second issue. However, banning an area of research is another matter entirely.

Thompson closes with this personal observation:

"On a personal note, I am saddened and disappointed by my state legislature. A few years ago, California surpassed Wisconsin in dairy production. Now, although stem cell research is most strongly associated with Wisconsin, my own state legislature seems determined to make sure that stem cell research follows a similar trajectory. I just returned from a national stem cell meeting in San Francisco with over 2200 stem cell researchers, and it is no accident that the organizers chose California over Wisconsin as their meeting site.

" Although I know stem cell research remains controversial in our state, I do still hope that our state legislature can find a way to help the research go forward and ultimately benefit the people of Wisconsin. Creating legislation that is more restrictive than federal regulations is not the way to do it."

That's the warning from a leader in the field. Is anyone listening?

UPDATE: Kestell backs off a little. In response to Thomson's letter, Kestell sent a letter to lawmakers making it clear he was not suggesting that Thomson supported Kestell's anti-cloning bill, although his language could have left leggies with that impression. He also took a shot at Thomson and UW for what he calls "faulty and misleading testimony and heavy-handed lobbying."

Kestell may be enjoying the publicity, but, as Brian Clark correctly notes in a story on WisBusiness.com, Thomson -- Time magazine cover and MSNBC interview notwithstanding -- is usually a private person. It is highly unusual for him to take on this public debate, which is an indicator of how strongly he feels that Wisconsin is making a huge mistake.


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Kestell and the right-to-life crowd were intellectually honest they would also attempt to ban in vitro fertilization. Why? Most of the fertilized eggs are "frozen to death" or "burned to death." If it's wrong to "create a human" for scientific research it is also wrong to fertilize more eggs than you need for IVF. But no, they don't want to take on that battle and they take the chickenshit way out. They are either hypocrites (at best) or liars (at worst). Kestell and his ilk like to throw around the "dishonest" or "unethical" label. It fits them pretty well, however. How do you like the hairshirt, Stevie?


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