Feeling safer from terror now?

Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts writes:
Tell me again how the Iraq war has made us safer from terrorism.
Spin for me once more the theory of how, by drawing the terrorists' attention there, we've made ourselves more secure here.
Point out for me again how we've suffered no terrorist attack since the day President Bush took the fight to the enemy.
You'll have to speak up, though. It's going to be hard to hear you over the explosions and sirens and wails of the maimed in London.
I feel so bad... can we just let Sadaam go now and run home? Please? Let's set a date... then we can save lives and bring stability to Iraq. We can just run away. We can run and hide.
We were so wrong - his dictatorship never encouraged terrorists and didn't supply any UN money to fund it. This was all about blood for cheap oil and while that strategy paid off by lowering oil prices, the U.S. was so wrong morally. It is time to come home, lets run – lets get out now... Oh to be a liberal.
Lets embrace France and stand tall with them... don’t let your own tail hit you in the ass as you cower to the pressure… oh wait… maybe you guys are into that… in that case you know where you can stuff your tail.
This is a fun game, can we play some more?
Oh and while we are at it Billie... September 11, 2001 until now? Hmmm yeah I see your point. We have merely encouraged those beasts uh-huh.. yup. You do have a point right?
This hit was even close to 911? It is no wonder you left Journalism for the life of political consultant. Journalism may not be what it used to be but politics will always be the art of advancing a version of the truth you favor in creative ways. You are doing well.
Don't bother, Anonymous, to actually read what Leonard Pitts has to say in his column. Just set up and knock down some straw men. Your comments sound like you are sitting up with a bottle at 1 a.m.
Let’s just run and hide. That is a brilliant strategy. We can look forward to a future of bombed out buses and subways.
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