Thursday, August 25, 2005

1960s here we come: American

Legion declares war on protestors

Editor and Publisher reports:

American Legion Declares War on Protestors -- Media Next?
NEW YORK The American Legion, which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on antiwar protestors, and the media could be next. Speaking at its national convention in Honolulu, the group's national commander called for an end to all “public protests” and “media events” against the war.

"The American Legion will stand against anyone and any group that would demoralize our troops, or worse, endanger their lives by encouraging terrorists to continue their cowardly attacks against freedom-loving peoples," Thomas Cadmus, national commander, told delegates at the group's national convention in Honolulu.

The delegates voted to use whatever means necessary to "ensure the united backing of the American people to support our troops and the global war on terrorism."


At 10:28 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Cool. That is great news. It means that phony liberals who claim to support out troops while undermining their mission will finally be outed – Xoff anyone?

At 10:47 PM, Blogger xoff said...

My service record is available for inspection anytime. And yours?

At 1:01 AM, Blogger XOut said...

Your record really doesn’t mean too much when you are content to discredit their efforts. The actual meaning of your support for Cindy Sheehan is precise and unavoidable – “thanks for your worthless service.”

At 2:01 PM, Blogger xoff said...

And yours?

At 9:51 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Nope - didn't serve. Is it really that important to you? You are missing the point if it is. Sheehan is a political farce and a shameless shill for the one thing she actually loves – Bush hating.

You cannot sit there and speak highly of our service people while hating what they are doing. Of all people, you should know better. The anti-war bile that so many lefties spew will only harm their support here at home. It happened that way in Vietnam. Lefties like Jane Fonda did more to kill troops and prolong their agony, despite her intentions.

It remains inconceivable to me how you can embrace Cindy Sheehan and with a straight face pretend to support our troops. You hate their commander – fine, you hate their mission – huh, well – but you love service people? There is a massive disconnect in there.

No. I didn’t serve. That doesn’t mean I don’t know several people who are currently deployed and dozens more families who have their loved ones fighting for us. What has Cindy done? Nothing. So I guess she and I deserve the same amount of attention.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger xoff said...

I spent 17 months in the Marines in Vietnam and, like many others, did everything I could once I was discharged to try to end the war.

I respect, support and admire the men and women who are serving. I believe, like many returning Iraq veterans do, that the best way to support the troops is to work to bring them home.

I've posted some comments from Iraq vets and their families on this site and will continue to do that. Maybe it will help you to understand that even many of the troops don't support our staying in Iraq.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Thank you for your service. That was a very bad time for our country. The anti-war movement during Vietnam definitely spilled over to the service people. I don’t want to see that happen now. That is the problem with picking mascots like Cindy Sheehan and pushing for a Feingold style deadline. Such empty proposals endanger our troops, our mission and the stability of Iraq.

Cindy could care less and the venomous rhetoric she spews will end up inciting the Bush haters to extend their anger to our returning troops. I don’t want to see another generation of service people being spit on and cursed at. You shouldn’t either.


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