Monday, September 12, 2005

David Clarke: Elephant in Donkey Suit

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke didn't do much to clarify his political party affiliation when he spoke with Spivak and Bice this week.

We've reported on his flirtation with the Republicans and his support for GOP candidates while he continues to pose as a Democrat at election time. Last week, we found Clarke listed as a member of a black Republican organization. His name has now disappeared from the website, although he claims he had nothing to do with it.

Spivak and Bice:

But Clarke repeated his well-worn spiel that he's not a politician and is a member of no political party. As for the election, yes, he said, he is running, but he insisted that it is way too early to focus on such a mundane matter.

Nice try, sheriff. Too bad your campaign filings paint a different picture.

Starting 2005 with nearly nothing in the bank, Clarke raised a healthy $45,000 during the first six months of this year, with the bulk of the cash coming at a May fund-raiser at Mo's Cucina. The event attracted donors from both sides of the aisle, though the biggest political names were all Republican, including state party Chairman Rick Graber, former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow and James Klauser, ex-Gov. Tommy Thompson's closest confidant.

It's understandable why Clarke might be too busy to think about his campaign. He's probably working on the duty roster for his innovative inner city patrol plan, now that Deputy Micael Schuh isn't available, due to injuries. Let's see, who else is on the shite list, as my Irish relatives would say?

Schuh is the deputy assigned to one-man foot patrol in a dangerous neighborhood for daring to criticize Clarke. Clarke has pretended he wasn't retaliating against Schuh, describing his assignment as the beginning of some new community policing plan. Unless he wants to have that exposed as totally bogus -- which it undoubtedly is -- Clarke will have to replace Schuch. Any volunteers?


At 8:55 AM, Blogger nosefornews said...

Hey, Xoff, good to see the J-S finally picking up on your exortations about Sheriff Clarke's difficulties picking a party.

Rather than holding Zell Miller up as a role model, I think our horse riding, leather boot wearing, pick yourself up from your bootstraps blathering sheriff might be more comfortable being compared to Il Duce.

And keep shedding light on F. Jim's bizarro behavior. Will this highly educated district continue to give one of the biggest embarassments in the House a free ride? Jeesh, voting against aid to Katrina while supporting the sinkhole in Iraq is a travesty. Shame on you, F Jim, Shame on you.



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