Thursday, October 13, 2005

It was a dark and stormy court ...

Is bad writing enough of a reason to keep Harriet Miers off the Supreme Court? David Brooks makes a strong argument in his NY Times op ed:

I don't know if by mere quotation I can fully convey the relentless march of vapid abstractions that mark Miers's prose. Nearly every idea is vague and depersonalized. Nearly every debatable point is elided. It's not that Miers didn't attempt to tackle interesting subjects. She wrote about unequal access to the justice system, about the underrepresentation of minorities in the law and about whether pro bono work should be mandatory. But she presents no arguments or ideas, except the repetition of the bromide that bad things can be eliminated if people of good will come together to eliminate bad things.

Or as she puts it, "There is always a necessity to tend to a myriad of responsibilities on a number of cases as well as matters not directly related to the practice of law." And yet, "Disciplining ourselves to provide the opportunity for thought and analysis has to rise again to a high priority."
If you doubt him, use this link to read the columns she wrote as president of the State Bar of Texas. But you were warned -- it's deadly stuff.