Tuesday, October 04, 2005

John Stocks: Thanks to "people like you"

This blog has followed the saga of John Stocks' efforts to help his family and friends who were left homeless by Hurricane Katrina, and many readers have found ways to help. Here's an update:

The displacement of a family from a city that has been their home for generations and the splitting up of that same family to unfamiliar cities across the southeastern United States is emotionally devastating. Hurricane Katrina and our governments’ inadequate response to this tragedy have ripped apart the fabric of a family whose only desire is to return to what is familiar.


Lois, Elouise, Courtney and Vauchan are still in the Comfort Inn in Jackson. Hurricane Rita postponed their plans to move back to Louisiana. Lois is determined to find a job in Louisiana that will afford her the opportunity to work 1 year and five months more within the state teacher retirement system so she does not lose her eligibility. This weighs heavy on her mind. Once they settle on where to relocate, we will assist with their relocation expenses and pursuit of employment.

FEMA denied Elouise’s claim for the $2000 cash grant that is being given to families displaced by Katrina. Despite the fact that her home was completely under water and she lost her car, the agency concluded that she had no damage. After days and days of trying to straighten this out over the phone, Elouise grew frustrated .This bureaucratic incompetence prompted Elouise to take action. She contacted a reporter from a local Jackson television station and told her story. The story aired on the evening news. Last I heard, this action got FEMA’s attention and they were promising to correct the mistake.


Stacy and Jerald have relocated to Dallas with their New Orleans based company Pan American Life. In the midst of their relocation, Jerald’s grandmother died. He traveled to Virginia for the services. Stacy has temporary housing, She deeply misses her children.

Stacy’s children, Eboni, Brea and Kasey are living in the Memphis area with their father. They have started school. I will forward their address in the next couple of days.


Henrietta, Debbie Ann, Gerard, Steve, Paula, Mark, Doris, Samantha, and Broderick are still living in a Comfort Inn near Atlanta. Gerard has found a job at a barber shop. Debbie Ann, an Orleans Parish second grade teacher for 22 years, is looking for work in the Cobb County school district. They have found temporary housing and can receive packages and gift cards @ 102 Douglas Road, Mableton, Georgia 30126. Our relief effort has provided them with funds to begin to furnish the house.


Steve and Mark traveled this weekend to New Orleans. They figured out a way to get into the city to survey the damage in the families’ neighborhood. They confirmed what everyone has suspected…their homes and the cars that were left behind are a total loss. Now begins the struggle with the insurance companies. It is hard to know your policy number, method of payment, coverage, etc. when all of your records were left in your home, possibly destroyed and you can’t get access to the city. The days ahead will be frustrating for all of the families as they try to ascertain what losses will be covered.


My father called last night. He and his wife are hoping to return to New Orleans by the end of October to restart their lives.


My brother Adam has been offered a job in the Greenville, South Carolina area. He is contemplating a move. Reconstruction of his house is slow.


As a young community organizer in the early 1980’s I became acquainted with singer/songwriter Si Kahn. His songs and music have had a profound impact on me over the years. The outpouring of support from my family, friends and colleagues as reminded me of his song “People Like You”. I will never forget what all of you have done.

People like you help people like me go on…go on…go on –Si Kahn

John Stocks


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