Sheriff force-feeding Fox to jail inmates
Doug Hissom of the Shepherd Express reports that Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has ordered all TV sets in the county jail to be tuned to the right-wing Fox News channel.
Inmates previously had watched CNN, but that apparently was too liberal for the Clarke, a Republican in Democrat clothing.
That programming would make more sense in a white collar prison, where most of the prisoners are corporate types who probably watch O'Reilly anyway.
Maybe it's a re-education program, thinking that bombarding vulnerable inmates with right-wing news will change their thinking and voting patterns. Personally, just a few minutes of Fox is enough to start my adrenalin flowing. Prolonged exposure to Fox might make me violent.
"Riot in Cell Block 7. They've taken the guards hostage and are demanding we switch the channel back to CNN."
Okay, I'll see your complaint about FOX and raise you. Why do they have TV sets at all? What is this, the Muskego school district?
Voting rights? The hell with prisoners' voting "rights". They gave those up when they murdered, raped, sold/did drugs, vandalized, robbed and whatever else the thugs did.
And as for them having TV's at all... That seems like more nanny state BS. But if they do have to have TV's, better that they should watch something that's not going to tell them what victims they are and how much they are "suffering" at the hands of the "evil" police. After all, why should personal responsibility apply to innocent victims of circumstance?!
Boo-hoo. My heart goes out to these opprsessed victims of Bush's nazi police state. How dare we force violent criminals to watch a TV station they may find less preferable. How abhorent! And we call this America?! Can anybody say Gitmo?! Where are Dick Durbin and Kanye West now!!!
Give me a break...
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