Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dilemma for Green -- Campaign or do his job?

This is one of those things that get a politician into trouble.

It's always a dilemma for members of Congress -- do they stay in Washington and do their job, or come back to Wisconsin and campaign?

Rep. Mark Green decided this time to raise money in Wisconsin instead of voting on issues in the House. Attending fundraisers sounds even worse than if you miss a vote to keep a speaking engagement or some other date that seems more legitimate.

Every time Green chooses Wisconsin over Washington in that kind of situation, it will cost him.

Meanwhile, his primary opponent for the GOP nomination for gov, Milwaukee County Exec Scott Walker, doesn't have to punch any clock at the courthouse -- or be there for any particular meetings of votes. His time is his own. Big advantage.

If Green continues to miss votes to run for office, will Walker speak up, or just hope the Democrats continue to do his dirty work?


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